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Tribute to Lateef Hussaini

Lateef Hussaini, our friend and longstanding member of Watford Interfaith Association passed away peacefully in his sleep on Sunday 1st September 2024.

As one of our earliest members Lateef contributed greatly to the development of WIFA and to interfaith outreach in Watford fostering understanding, respect and friendship between the various faith communities of our town.

Lateef was a god-fearing man, outspoken, with a strong faith and an openness and respect for people of all faiths.

Lateef’s contributions to WIFA have been quite significant. He set up WIFA constitution in 2004 and inaugurated the Harold Meyer Lectures. The Lecture was named after a past WIFA chair and has been hosting eminent speakers over the years. He also promoted the Watford Faith Leaders Forum bringing together the various religious leaders of Watford with the motto: ‘To be friends before we need to be friends.’ He took part in WIFA organizing children’s art competitions and he very much enjoyed being part of the Bishop's Cup cricket tournaments between Watford, St Albans, Bedford and Luton interfaith teams. He took part in many interfaith discussions in the Sacred Space at the Watford Celebration and on other occasions. Lateef served as chair of WIFA in 2007, 2008 and 2009.

In latter years he became a Muslim Chaplain for police officers. When asked what motivated him to become a Chaplain, Lateef responded saying: ‘My motto in life has always been ‘Service to Community is service to God’.

Thank you Lateef for your dedication and valuable contributions to interfaith relations in Watford making our town a better place for all. You made a big difference.

We will miss you.
God bless you.

Lateef photo

AGM and election of a new Chair.

Watford Interfaith Association conducted its AGM on February 29th at the Rennie Grove Peace Hospice. We were privileged to have in attendance Liz Green, High Sheriff of Hertfordshire, Dean Russell, Watford MP and Peter Taylor, Watford Elected Mayor. After a presentation on the hospice’s work, reports from WIFA Chair, Secretary and Treasurer, the executive committee stepped down. Peter Taylor then oversaw the procedure. The proposed same members of the executive were seconded by the assembly and re-elected. Two new members were introduced later. Our guest speaker Watford Chief Inspector Andy Wiseman described the recent move from Shady Lane to the brand-new building in George Street. He said that Watford had seen fewer crimes than in the previous year, and only burglary figures are going up slightly. Unfortunately hate crimes tend to go under reported. Victims would rather go to their community than to the police. The evening concluded by our honoured guests recognizing the valuable work of WIFA in bringing the faith communities of Watford together. Refreshments followed and people were invited to pay their membership subscription.

At a meeting on March 19th the newly elected EC committee met to vote on the various WIFA officers. At that time, Jeffrey Bateman was elected chair of WIFA. Harjit Singh was thanked for his hard work as Chair over the past five years, especially during the difficult times of the pandemic.

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